Re: minor bug with S&AS 4.2

I have been reviewing this proposed change further and I have made two 
mistakes, sorry.

Mistake 1 was adding the "or ontologyPropertyIDs;" as to how the property 
only URIs can be used. The property only URIs are rdf:subject, 
rdf:predicate, rdf:object, rdf:_1 ...
These are not sensible ontology property IDs, I was not thinking.

Mistake 2 was that the built in class IDs (owl:Thing and owl:Nothing) 
should (IMO) be treated like I was suggesting for the other builtins from 
section 2, as a definition with an anchor and then linked from in 4.2.

I hope to generate some tests and test on Jena, WonderWeb and Pellet and 
circulate the results tomorrow.

Revised text as follows:

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> I wonder whether the text in 4.2 might benefit from 
> a) making the text in 2.1 linkable and highlighting "built-in annotation 
> properties" and "built-in ontology properties" 

and "built-in classes", "built-in datatypes"

> (i.e. defining the terms)

> b) modifying the defn of separated vocabulary poitn 3 from
> [[
> the ontologies in O only use the class-only vocabulary as class IDs; only use 
> the datatype-only vocabulary as datatype IDs; only use rdfs:Literal in data 
> ranges; only use the property-only vocabulary as datavaluedProperty IDs, 
> individualvaluedProperty IDs, or annotationProperty IDs; and do not mention 
> any disallowed vocabulary.
> ]]
> to
> [[
> the ontologies in O only use the class-only vocabulary as class IDs; only use 
> the datatype-only vocabulary as datatype IDs; only use rdfs:Literal in data 
> ranges;
> only use the property-only vocabulary as datavaluedProperty IDs, 
> individualvaluedProperty IDs,  annotationProperty IDs;

NOT THIS previously proposed change
> ***
> or ontologyPropertyIDs;


only use the built-in classes as  class IDs;
only use the built-in datatypes as  datatype IDs;

> only use the built-in annotation properties as  annotationProperty IDs;
> only use the built-in ontology properties as  ontologyProperty IDs;
>  ***
> and do not mention any disallowed vocabulary.
> ]]
> Combining with my earlier proposal [1] in response to Holger we would get
> [[
> the ontologies in O,
> *** 
> except as the values of annotations, 
> ***
> only use the class-only vocabulary as class IDs; only use the datatype-only 
> vocabulary as datatype IDs; only use rdfs:Literal in data ranges;
> only use the property-only vocabulary as datavaluedProperty IDs, 
> individualvaluedProperty IDs,  annotationProperty IDs;

> ***

only use the built-in classes as  class IDs;
only use the built-in datatypes as  datatype IDs;

> only use the built-in annotation properties as  annotationProperty IDs;
> only use the built-in ontology properties as  ontologyProperty IDs;
>  ***
> and do not mention any disallowed vocabulary.
> ]]
> Jeremy
> [1]

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2004 14:19:32 UTC