Re: TEST: datatypes and cardinality

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:

> DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:byte) )
> Class( bad cardinality(p 257 ) )
> Inidividual( john type(bad) )
> is a contradiction.

I have added that test and:

2, DL, Consistent:

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:byte) )
Individual( john type(restriction(p 256 )) )

3, DL, Inconsistent:

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:byte) range(xsd:unsignedInt) )
Individual( john type(restriction(p 129 )) )

4, DL, Entailment:

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:byte) range(xsd:unsignedInt) )
Individual( john type(restriction(p 128 )) )

Individual( john value(p 5) )

5, DL, NonEntailment

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:byte) range(xsd:unsignedInt) )
Individual( john type(restriction(p 127 )) )
Individual( john value(p 5) )

6, Lite Entailment

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:byte) )
DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:short) )

7, Lite nonentailment

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:short) )
DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:unsignedByte) )

8, Lite entailment

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:short) range(xsd:unsignedInt))
DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:unsignedShort) )

9, Lite entailment

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:short) )

10, Lite entailment

DatatypeProperty( p range(xsd:nonNegativeInteger))
Individual(john type(restriction( p
Indiviudal(john, value(p 0))

Tests 9 and 10 involve infinite integer datatypes and so might be excluded 
from the minimal requirements for a consistency checker.

These are found in:


Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 08:24:09 UTC