Re: RDF issue with rdf:List

I will include this under agenda item 5 (response to RDF Core) of 
today's telecon.


Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> A last call issue being discussed on RDF Core at the moment concerns 
> 'redundant' rdf:type rdf:List triples.
> see:
> I have suggested that OWL needs these triples, and I am currently arguing 
> against their removal.
> I believe RDF Core WG would value a formal or informal comment from WOWG on 
> this issue.
> It seems to me that removing these triples, while technically feasible, is a 
> small amount of work for RDF Core and a large amount of work for Web Ont. 
> Also, given that this construct is essentially the daml:collection construct, 
> the default is not to change, but to emit the equivalent of the daml:List 
> triples.
> Might it be possible to have a minute or two on this under AOB today?
> Jeremy

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Received on Thursday, 24 April 2003 07:59:47 UTC