ADMIN: Minutes Sept 12 Telecon

Executive Summary:


ACTION: Carroll - update WG on networking for f2f
ACTION: Hendler - Prepare talking points for press release.
ACTION: Schreiber - review guide
ACTION: Thompson - review guide
ACTION: Obrst - review guide.
ACTION: Patel-Schneider -  write up "syntactic" proposal for issue 5.6
ACTION: van Harmelen - send e-mail about foreign properties and issue 5.6
ACTION: Carroll - send e-mail on what is in an onto.
ACTION: Hayes - send e-mail opposing deprecation.
ACTION: Hayes - send e-mail with text to propose the closure of issue 5.3.
ACTION: Schreiber - add classes as instances and literal/data values to
agenda for 19th.

New editors:
  Mike Dean - comparison doc.
  Jeremy Carroll, Jos De Roo - Test Cases doc.



More detail:

1) ADMIN (10 min)

1.1 Roll call

Carroll, Dean, Klein, TerHorst, Lassila,
Patel-Schneider, Finin, Eshelman, Heflin,
Hendler, Miller, van Harmelen, Stanton, Schreiber
Horrocks McGuinness, M_Smith, Marchiori, Buswell,
van Harmelen, Wallace, De Roo, Thompson, Hayes,

Regrets: Connolly, Welty, Sabbouh
Apologies: Dale, Borden

1.2 Minutes previous meeting

revised minutes of the Aug 29 telecon:
minutes of the Sept 5 telecon:

1.3 Next telecon

- Sep 19
- Evan will scribe

1.4 Upcoming ftf meetings

Please book your hotel.
ACTION: Carroll - update WG on networking for f2f

Update on ftf5 (Ian)

1.5 Press Release for post-f2f4 documents?  (Hendler)
ACTION: Hendler - Prepare talking points for press release.
Please can anyone with bullet points or text please e-mail Jim.

2) ACTION review: (10 min)

ACTION Larry Eshelman to contribute example to how-to-do-it doc

Done: see

ACTION: Hendler produce test for issue 4.2

ACTION: Guus to update UML document to reflect new Owl Lite

ACTION: Chairs to find an editor or process to produce the RDF/RDFS/OWL
Lite/OWL comparison/discussion document. JimH to inform SW-CG this is
being considered.
Mike Dean is editing comparison document.

ACTION: DanC will hold email vote on location of ftf5: Manchester or
NY. One vote per org. seven days to respond

ACTION: Mike Smith to distribute draft walkthru by Sep 4

ACTION: Mike Dean will be doing the comparison document.

ACTION: Revision of Aug. 29 minutes to  be done by Tim Finin by next
week and to be resolved next week.
DONE. (See above)

ACTION: Ian Horrocks will look at alternate arrangements for vtc (in
Manchester for F2F5).

 From 3.1, Issue 4.4:
ACTION: Mike Dean: will document how he's using RDF statement tags, and
how to solve this.
Does his solution satisfy the requirements in the requirements document?

 From 3.1, Issues 5.6, 5.14:
ACTION: Proposal by J. Heflin to couple 5.6 and 5.14, and will be
separate section in reference document

The meaning of this issue is unclear.
Jeff has raised these issues on the group, and we record the action as DONE.

 From 3.2, Issue 5.1:
ACTION: Frank will come up with some more use cases (ontology merging).

ACTION: Ian to make a suggestion on how to solve this, adding properties
to data values
Ian notes that the "solution" is on-going research.

ACTION: Dan to elaborate his use cases/requirements on this.

 From 3.2, Issue 5.19:
ACTION: Pat and Jeremy to create this as an issue and create a sketch of
an idea, by next Tuesday.
Jeremy's part either WITHDRAWN or DONE
Pat's part CONTINUED.

ACTION: Peter: the status quo meets the requirement: give the same name
to a class and an instance. Show the mechanism or point to a use case to
the old discussion.

3.3 Issue 5.3:
ACTION: by COB Monday, Pat to complete first document  (and Peter and
Pat to discuss this on phone to next telecon). Ian will send comments to
Peter and Pat.

There was a phone call, but still an integration problem.
Action is continued, since the goal has not yet been achieved.

ACTION: Pat will send out (Great Horned Owl) document by next telecon.

3) Guide Document (Mike Smith) 15 min
Discussion of Status/Options for:
Goal is to make substantial progress this week.
Also a call for early reviewers at this stage.
ACTION: Schreiber - review guide
ACTION: Thompson - review guide
ACTION: Obrst - review guide.

Frank and Jim liked the current direction.
Mike Smith worries that some of the details will be incorrect.

4) Test Document (Jeremy) 10 min
Chairs ask Jeremy to edit the test document
Proposal based on

Jos will co-edit.
Patel-Schneider made positive comments.

5) Presentation of Proposed Resolutions/Discussion for Issues (30 min)

ISSUE 5.6 - daml:imports as magic syntax
Extended discussion.
Is import syntactic or semantic?
If semantic, how?
The contents of an object in the domain-of-discourse becomes part of the
Issues to do with import cycles.
Jim: 1: do semantics for imports,
     2: delete it
     3: treat it informally

ACTION Patel-Schneider -  write up "syntactic" proposal for issue 5.6
ACTION van Harmelen - send e-mail about foreign properties and issue 5.6

5b) Proposed Resolution (Heflin)
ISSUE 5.14 - Ontology versioning
Proposed solution:

Less discussion, partly about time.
Jeremy and Pat expressed concerns.
ACTION: Carroll - send e-mail on what is in an onto.
ACTION: Hayes - send e-mail opposing deprecation.

6) Continuation of Ongoing Issues

6a - Embedding Approach to Layering
Does Pat/Peter Embedding Approach solve 5.3 - Semantic Layering

(close to no discussion)
ACTION Hayes - send e-mail with text to propose the closure of issue 5.3.

6c - Classes as Instances
6b - Uniform treatment of literal/data values
7) AOB (5 min)
Out of time.

ACTION: Schreiber - add classes as instances and literal/data values to
agenda for 19th.

Received on Friday, 13 September 2002 05:40:09 UTC