Re: Moving forward

>> as an aside, I have some trouble that
>>   :John a :Person .
>>   :John a :Student .
>> would entail
>>   :John a [ owl:intersectionOf ( :Person :Student ) ] .
>> but no trouble that it would entail
>>   :John a ( owl:intersectionOf ( :Person :Student ) ) .
>What does this mean? (For those of us who are both N3  and semantically

not having the required experience for that, I'll try to give
an indication based on what I learned from Pat&Peter so I think it
is better to first have a look at

first of all assume following facts (written as RDF triples)

owl:intersectionOf ardf:type rdf:Property .
owl:intersectionOf rdfs:domain owl:Class .
owl:intersectionOf rdfs:range owl:List .
owl:List rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Class .    # @@@@@ need much more thought

and then assume following derivations (part of OWL-entailment)

IF you have that               | THEN you can conclude
?x a ?a                        | ?x a ( owl:intersectionOf ( ?a ) )
?x a ?a                        | ?x a ( owl:intersectionOf ( ?a / ?b ) )
?x a ( owl:intersectionOf ?b ) |
?x a ( owl:intersectionOf ?L ) | ?x a ?C
?L owl:item ?C                 |

the last for for instance says that: if ?x is belonging to the
intersection of the classes given in list ?L and if class ?C is
a member of ?L then we can conclude that ?x is of rdf:type ?C


Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2002 09:36:36 UTC