LANG, SEM: Re: more on a same-syntax extension from RDF(S) to OWL

Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> > > One of the major benefitts of N3 over
> > > RDF (including N-Triples) is the simple ability to write down a set of
> > > statements _without asserting them_.
> What are the use cases for this ability?

Basically anywhere you see (in N3) { ... } a context is defined in which the
contents are not necessarily asserted.

Perhaps the simplest use of this is an IF THEN statement or an OR statement

IF {sky color blue} THEN {trees color green}

OR { [sky color blue] [sky color grey] [trees color green] [trees color
brown] }


FORALL ?x such that [?x color blue] => [mary likes ?x]

A simple way to write down a simple formula is the use case.

> What I have seen so far is the desire to state logical entailments.
> This is quite addressable outside RDF rather than inside the graph.
> The N3 version could be modelled in RDF as a load of triples, with N3
> contexts roughly corresponding to bags of reified triples in RDF.


A simple syntactic device for making a simple IF THEN statement seems like a
useful thing.


Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2002 12:22:52 UTC