Re: TEST: Re: notes for 6/6 until 1:10 (oneOf/sameClassAs)


> >So I'm currently against rules such as:
> >   { :rule9o1 . ?L owl:item ?x } log:implies { ?x a [ owl:oneOf ?L ] } 
> >from
> >
> I don't follow. That rule doesn't have an existential in the
> conclusion, does it? Both the variables in the conclusion are also in
> the antecedent. You seem to want to rule out any *terms* that refer
> to classes in the conclusion, not just existentials. That seems
> capricious to me. And the answer is, no, there isn't any logical name
> for that.

trying to make up my mind...
the places where we would like to find "just" triples are in
1/ queries
   -> the triples in a graph which can be dereferenced
2/ rules
   -> the triples inside a N3 { } embedding
3/ function *terms*
   -> the triples composing
      :value :functor ( rdf-list-items ) .

-- ,
Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 15:39:18 UTC