Re: ADMIN: Next Face to Face meetings

At 8:36 AM -0500 1/31/02, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>From: Deborah McGuinness <>
>Subject: Re: ADMIN: Next Face to Face meetings
>Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 14:24:48 -0800
>>  on the next meeting, is there no way the dates could be pushed back so
>>  people could choose to go to the webont meeting and then go down to
>>  toulouse for the dl, semantic web meeting, krdb, and kr
>>  conferences/workshops etc?  (
>>  going to europe twice within 2 weeks is a significant problem for me and
>>  i presume others.
>>  this sets up so that people would get back on april 10 from europe and
>>  then turn around and need to leave for europe again on april 17 in order
>>  to make the meeting starts.
>I totally agree.  It will be extraordinarily hard to convince my management
>to send me to Europe twice in two weeks, and, moreover, even if I could
>convince them, it would be extraordinarily disruptive to me.  I remember
>discussion at the first f2f against a similar, but less disruptive situation.
>>  on the next face to face, I am willing to host  but I need to get the
>>  week of the meeting fixed in the next 2 weeks.   If we are definitely
>>  set on july 1-2 (or in general the week of july 4) i need to shuffle
>>  things which can be done now but cant be done 2 weeks from now.
>>  deborah
>Further, I believe that Jim's action item was to send out the f2f schedule
>proposal created at the 1st f2f meeting so that the proposal could be
>discussed by the group.  What has happened is that dates and locations
>have been changed, apparently unilaterally, and there does not appear to be
>any chance for discussion.
>Peter F. Patel-Schneider
>Bell Labs Research

At the f2f three sets of dates were discussed (next to KR, April 1-2, 
April 8-9) and I asked people to send me feedback.  Two people (you 
can now guess who) told me they preferred KR, all the rest preferred 
April 7-8.  I apologize again that we cannot please everyone in a 50 
member group.

As far as conversation goes, we did indeed discuss it at that 
meeting, and I did solicit feedback on dates several times.

  -Jim Hendler
p.s. I also will have to travel to Europe twice and am probably going 
to have to pay some of my own expenses to make it happen.  I would 
not have chosen 4/8-9 as the best time for me.  If I was making 
unilateral decisions I'd have gone with different dates and I am 
insulted by both the allegation and its implication.

Professor James Hendler
Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies	  301-405-2696
Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab.	  301-405-6707 (Fax)
AV Williams Building, Univ of Maryland		  College Park, MD 20742

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2002 11:08:14 UTC