- From: Peter F. Patel-Schneider <pfps@research.bell-labs.com>
- Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 13:14:00 -0500
- To: www-webont-wg@w3.org
- Message-Id: <20020107131400P.pfps@research.bell-labs.com>
PS: No change from last message, except to emphasize final status! Face-to-face OWL Reading List and Discussion Outline Annotated Reading List: 1/ Pat Hayes' model theory for RDF http://www.coginst.uwf.edu/users/phayes/w3-rdf-mt-current-draft.html Most important here is the Introduction section that gives a good, short description of how model theory works. 2/ DAML+OIL model theory http://www.w3.org/TR/daml+oil-model DAML+OIL is syntax-compatible with RDF(S), but not semantics-compatible. Further, this model theory would not provide an appropriate entailment relationship. 3/ OWL definition - RDF compatible swol.text (4 January 2002) This definition of OWL is semantics-compatible with RDF(S), but not syntax-compatible. The syntax is given in terms of the XQuery data model (http://www.w3.org/TR/query-datamodel/), but the only real difference from XML Infosets is that the XQuery data model includes XML Schema typing information. 4/ OWL' definition - XML compatible with partial RDF compatability swol-xml-rdf.text (3 January 2002) This definition of OWL is neither syntax- nor semantics-compatible with RDF(S) in general. However, for base facts it is both syntax- and semantics-compatible with RDF. It is much simpler than the initial OWL definition. Presentation Outline: What is a representation formalism? - a formal system that has a well-defined meaning - designed to represent something about the world - e.g., relational data bases, propositional logic, first-order logic, modal logic, Montague logic, description logics Why do representation formalisms need a well-defined meaning? - after all people cope without, don't they? - well, they sort of cope, and their repair mechanisms are complex - lack of well-defined meaning leads to misunderstanding between communicants Horror stories - range and domain in RDFS - lists, bags, and alternatives in RDF - reification in RDF - QUA (East coast vs. West coast) in KL-ONE - C++ (vs ML or FORTRAN) How is meaning defined? - data models - don't work for more-expressive formalisms - proof theory - specify what syntactic structures follow from (are derivable from) others - model theory - specify which states of the world are compatible with syntactic structures - syntactic structures follow from (are entailed by) others if they are compatible all the syntactic structures that the others are compatible with - axiomatization - provides a mapping to some other formalism that (hopefully) has a well-defined meaning - can relate proof theories with model theories - sound proof theory - does not produce non-entailed formulae - complete proof theory - produces all entailed formulae Benefits of standard methods for providing meaning - proof theory - can be mechanized - model theory - intuitive way to provide meaning - allows for various proof theories Pitfalls in formal systems - conflict with intuitions - e.g., prescriptive vs descriptive - e.g., DAML+OIL entailment - inconsistency - e.g., set theory - e.g., Liar's paradox Issues in the design of a Web Ontology Language - what syntax to use - XML - RDF graphs - how to specify semantics - model theory vs proof theory - NB: axiomatization is parasitic - how much expressive power is needed - what computational properties are wanted - what computational properties result A simple Web Ontology Language (OWL') - syntax basics - datatypes - knowledge bases - descriptions - class definitions - property definitions - statements - interpretations - semantic conditions - entailment Proposed Approaches 1/ DAML+OIL - RDF syntax - semantic extension of RDF - problem - entailment not correct - example - AND [Person Student] vs AND [Student Person] - possible solution - require all lists (and other syntactic structures) in all interpretations - problem - potential inconsistency 2/ OWL (4 January 2002) - XML syntax, relatively compatible with RDF - semantic extension of RDF, includes RDF meta theory - problem - complex constructs - e.g., conditional transitivity - possible solution - forbid such conditional constructs - problem - unprincipled 3/ OWL' (3 January 2002) - XML syntax, object stuff in RDF - semantics different from RDF Tricky Points - generating syntax - lists, classes, etc. - self reference
- Text/Plain attachment: swol.text
- Text/Plain attachment: swol-xml-rdf.text
Received on Monday, 7 January 2002 13:15:57 UTC