The Web Ontology Language (OWL') XML compatible RDF compatible for base facts Peter F. Patel-Schneider Bell Labs Research (3 January 2002) [Common portions elided.] 4. Interpretations An OWL' interpretation, I, over a datatyping scheme DT consists of R, nonempty, disjoint from V the domain of resources EXT : N -> 2^(Rx(RuV)) property extensions CEXT : N -> 2^(RuV) class extensions S : N -> R mapping from names to denotation The URIs for datatypes must be disjoint from the URIs used below. The following conditions must be satisfied by an interpretation. 4.1 Conditions from RDF R1 [not meaningful] R2 [not meaningful] R3 [not meaningful] 4.2 Conditions from RDFS S1 CEXT(rdfs:Resource) = R S2 [not meaningful] S3 CEXT(rdfs:Literal) = V S4 [not meaningful] S5 [not meaningful] S6 [not meaningful] S7 [not meaningful or in definition above] S8 [not meaningful or in definition above] S9 [not meaningful] S10 [not meaningful] S11 [not meaningful] S12 [not meaningful] 4.3 Conditions for datatypes D1 [not meaningful] D2 [not meaningful] D3 [not meaningful] D4 [not meaningful] D5 for d in DT CEXT(U(d)) = Vd 4.4 Conditions for OWL' W1 [not meaningful] W2 [not meaningful] W3 [not meaningful] W4 [not meaningful] W5 [not meaningful] W6 [not meaningful] W7 [not meaningful] W8 [in satisfaction conditions] W9 [in satisfaction conditions] W10 [in satisfaction conditions] W11 [in satisfaction conditions] W12 [in satisfaction conditions] W13 [in satisfaction conditions] W14 [in satisfaction conditions] W15 [in satisfaction conditions] W16 [in satisfaction conditions] W17 [in satisfaction conditions] W18 [in satisfaction conditions] W19 [in satisfaction conditions] W20 CEXT(swol:Thing) = R W21 CEXT(swol:Nothing) = {} 4.5 Discussion Note that interpretations here are much less complex than interpretations in the initial definition. This has two important consequences: 1/ The chances that this definition is incoherent are very small. Further, extensions to this definition are much easier than for the other definition. 2/ Reasoning in this definition is much easier to characterise, and may even be computationally less difficult. 5. Satisfaction Given an OWL' KB an extended interpretation, I', for KB is an OWL' interpretation, I, with the following extra component A : K -> R u V mapping from nodes to denotation with the condition that non-text nodes map into R and text nodes map into V. I' is said to be an extension of the interpretation I. An extended interpretation OWL'-satisfies a KB as follows: Note: The construction rdf:name refers to the QName with local part name and URI The construction rdfs:name refers to the QName with local part name and URI[rdfs URI] The construction swol:name refers to the QName with local part name and URI[swol URI] 5.1 Satisfaction for non-descriptions Syntax Semantic Conditions kb ::= ( definition | resourceElement ) * definition ::= ELEMENT(swol:defineClass,{},) CEXT(Q(id)) = ID(desc) | ELEMENT(swol:definePrimitiveClass,{},) CEXT(Q(id)) <= ID(desc) | ELEMENT(swol:disjointWith,{},) CEXT(Q(id1)) ^ CEXT(Q(id2)) = {} | ELEMENT(swol:samePropertyAs,{},) EXT(Q(id1)) = EXT(Q(id2)) | ELEMENT(swol:subPropertyOf,{},) EXT(Q(id1)) <= EXT(Q(id2)) | ELEMENT(swol:domain,{},) EXT(Q(id)) <= ID(desc) x (RuV) | ELEMENT(swol:range,{},) EXT(Q(id)) <= R x IC(desc) | ELEMENT(swol:ObjectProperty,{},) EXT(Q(id)) <= R x R | ELEMENT(swol:DatatypeProperty,{},) EXT(Q(id)) <= R x V | ELEMENT(swol:UniqueProperty,{},) EXT(Q(id)) is functional | ELEMENT(swol:UnambiguousProperty,{},) converse of EXT(Q(id)) is functional | ELEMENT(swol:TransitiveProperty,{},) EXT(Q(id)) is transitive | ELEMENT(swol:sameIndividualAs,{},) S(Q(id1)) in R S(Q(id2)) in R S(Q(id1)) = S(Q(id2)) | ELEMENT(swol:differentIndividualFrom,{},) S(Q(id1)) in R S(Q(id2)) in R S(Q(id1)) /= S(Q(id2)) resourceElement ::= ELEMENT(name,{propertyAttribute*},{propertyElement*}) A(|self|) in CEXT(S(name)) propertyAttribute ::= ATTRIBUTE(rdf:ID,id) A(|parent|) = S(Q(id)) | ATTRIBUTE(rdf:about,id) A(|parent|) = S(Q(id)) | ATTRIBUTE(name,text,type,value) < A(|parent|) , A(|self|) > in EXT(S(name)) A(|self|) = value | ATTRIBUTE(name,text) < A(|parent|) , A(|self|) > in EXT(S(name)) A(|self|) in LV(text) propertyElement ::= ELEMENT(rdf:type,{},{desc}) A(|parent|) in ID(desc) | ELEMENT(name,{rdf:resource,id},{}) < A(|parent|),S(Q(id)) > in IR(name) | ELEMENT(name,{},{resourceElement}) < A(|parent|),S(resourceElement) > in IR(name) | ELEMENT(name,{},{valueNode=TEXT(text)},type,value) < A(|parent|),A(valueNode) > in IR(name) A(valueNode) = value | ELEMENT(name,{},{valueNode=TEXT(text)}) < A(|parent|),A(valueNode) > in IR(name) A(valueNode) in LV(text) prop ::= resourceElement 5.1 Extensions for descriptions Description Extension(ID) desc ::= ELEMENT(id) CEXT(Q(id)) ^ R | ELEMENT(swol:unionOf,{desc+}) ID(desc1) v ... v ID(descn) | ELEMENT(swol:intersectionOf,{desc+}) ID(desc1) ^ ... ^ ID(descn) | ELEMENT(swol:complementOf,{desc}) R \ ID(desc) | ELEMENT(swol:oneOf,{id*}) { S(Q(id1)), ..., S(Q(id1n)) } | ELEMENT(swol:toClass,{},) { x : in EXT(prop) implies y in IC(class) } | ELEMENT(swol:hasValue,{},) { x : in EXT(Q(prop)) } | ELEMENT(swol:hasValue,{},,type,value>) { x : in EXT(Q(prop)) } | ELEMENT(swol:hasClass,{},) { x : exists y in EXT(Q(prop)) and y in IC(class) } | ELEMENT(swol:minCardinality,{},) { x : >=int y in EXT(Q(prop)) } | ELEMENT(swol:maxCardinality,{},) { x : <=int y in EXT(Q(prop)) } | ELEMENT(swol:cardinality,{},) { x : =int y in EXT(Q(prop)) } | ELEMENT(swol:minCardinality,{},) { x : >=int y in EXT(Q(prop)) and y in IC(class) } | ELEMENT(swol:maxCardinality,{},) { x : <=int y in EXT(Q(prop)) and y in IC(class) } | ELEMENT(swol:cardinality,{},) { x : =int y in EXT(Q(prop)) and y in IC(class) } Class Extension(IC) class ::= desc ID(desc) | ELEMENT(id) L(Q(id))) provided that Q(id) in DT 6. Models and entailment: An interpretation is a model for an OWL' knowledge base if there is some extension of the interpretation that satisfies the knowledge base. An OWL' knowledge base, KB1, entails another, KB2, if all models of KB1 are also models of KB2. Also needed are meta-theoretic notions of subsumption, as subsumption cannot be directly determined via entailment.