Re: Peter's example

Subject: Re: Peter's example
Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2002 17:43:42 +0100

> > The reason I ask is that you have what appear to be constructors in the
> > right hand side of rule, and I was wondering what their meaning was.
> well, this is what would be in Prolog clauses's left hand side
> (of course, that set of triples is constructed, but is
> in no sense asserted, just serving its purpose as hypothesis)

The question is what is the meaning of

{ :y :okw :x . :x owl:item :a } log:implies { ( :a / :y ) :okw :x } .

It appears that there is a constructor in the consequent of a rule.   


Received on Saturday, 5 January 2002 12:31:01 UTC