semantics: layering...? [was: Next steps (Action: all)]

On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 12:41, Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
> >   3. Semantics: As evidenced by the layering discussion, developing
> > the semantic model for the language (mandated by our charter) is not
> > easy, but needs to be done.  We expect to produce both a model theory
> > and an axiomization similar to the ones prepared for DAML+OIL.
> Well there has been work done on the layering issues, but it seems to have
> been put off and put off again from the agenda.  Therefore, I would like to
> have an agenda item for next week on the layering issue.

I've been studying the layering stuff, but I'm not sure
how to prepare for a telcon discussion of layering.

If you have anything in particular in mind, please let me/us know.

It takes me a while to get the relevant stuff swapped in
my brain to discuss that layering stuff. Also, I have an internal
telcon on Tuesdays, and if you can get me something before
then, I can discuss it with some other folks in
preparation for a telcon.

Oh... one thing that would help me is if you and PatH
could summarize the thread you guys had.

I didn't follow all of it. Was there any particular result
of the discussion?

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2002 14:42:49 UTC