Re: issue: unprecise wording in appendix A (three-valued-logic)


I feel that removing the sentence will lead to interoperability issues 
in the future - it would be better to simply clarify the issue as Jim 
suggests. How about something along the lines of the following:

"If a property in the current resource under scan has not been set to a value (either because the property itself is undefined or the property is empty for the current resource), then the value of that property is undefined for the resource under scan."

Perhaps another sentence to explain how undefined values are sorted?


Jim Whitehead wrote:

>I think it would help interoperability to add a sentence (or 1-2 short
>examples) that stated how DASL implementations should treat
>empty/"undefined" DAV properties.
>Frankly, I can see myself not getting this right...
>- Jim
>>-----Original Message-----
>>[]On Behalf Of Julian Reschke
>>Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 7:20 AM
>>Subject: issue: unprecise wording in appendix A (three-valued-logic)
>>In [1] the current draft says:
>>"If a property in the current resource under scan has not been set to a
>>value (either because the property is not defined for the current
>>or because it is null for the current resource), then the value of that
>>property is undefined for the resource under scan."
>>However, WebDAV properties never have a "null" value. They may be empty,
>>such as
>>	<foo xmlns="bar" />
>>	<foo xmlns="bar"></foo>
>>but that's just a string value with length 0.
>>Proposal: just remove that sentence.
><green/>bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 13:19:07 UTC