RE: SCXML test 147: transition contains empty condition

Hmm, I'm not sure what the problem is.  I get the right result when I transform 147.txml into the ECMAScript data model using

<transition event="bar" cond="Var1==1" target="pass"/>
  <transition event="*" target="fail"/>

In the section  on the ECMAScript datamodel, it says that the processor must convert conds to Booleans using ToBoolean.  I assume that would yield 'false', but in any case it looks like you're having problems with the XSLT transformation.   

- Jim

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Radomski [] 
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 6:11 PM
To: VBWG Public (
Subject: SCXML test 147: transition contains empty condition 

Hey there,

I transformed the SCXML tests with XSLT for ecmascript[1]. As I was stepping through them, I realized that the generated test 147 contains a transition with an empty condition [1], which ought to be true for the test to be passed. Empty strings evaluate to false with my ecmascript implementation, so the test fails.

>From txml:
  <transition event="bar" conf:idVal="1=1" conf:targetpass=""/>

>From generated SCXML test:
  <transition event="bar" cond="" target="pass"/>

My XSLT knowledge is limited, I used perl's libxslt wrapper XML::LibXSLT and the official stylesheet provided at [3].

I guess the implied question (assuming the XSLT went fine) is, whether the empty condition really ought to evaluate to true?


Received on Thursday, 28 March 2013 22:23:27 UTC