[siviws] Summary of the Workshop on Speaker biometrics and VoiceXML 3.0
What is SSML?
[voicexml30] second WD of VoiceXML 3.0 is published
VoiceXML conformance test
SCXML Transition Attribute Error
AVIOS student programming contest: show off your VoiceXML skills
[scxml] Fifth WD of SCXML is published
[VXML 2.0] Handling <param> when <subdialog> src points to a <menu>
[VXML 2.0] Doubt regarding <clear> namelist token
Fwd: Use of HTTP in VoiceXML3
[VXML 2.0] Handling <prompt count="0"> during prompt selection
CCXML :<move event=event$> in transition for "connection.merge.failed"
Errata for VoiceXML 2.0 and 2.1
Re: CCXML WD 19012007 - Limiting amount of connection inputs and other comments. [cc] ISSUE-570
- Re: CCXML WD 19012007 - Limiting amount of connection inputs and other comments. [cc] ISSUE-570
- Re: CCXML WD 19012007 - Limiting amount of connection inputs and other comments. [cc] ISSUE-570