checklink: LWP in user agent string means some servers return 406 Not Acceptable

Hi systeam,

I know this ain't going to get a high priority flag any time soon but, 
well, I thought I'd log it anyway...

I was curious to know why I was getting a 406 Not Acceptable response 
when I tried to check the links on After digging 
around I narrowed it down to the UA string used by the link checker:

W3C-checklink/4.5 [4.160] libwww-perl/5.823

If I do a GET on with this UA string I get the 406. 
Delete the 'libwww-perl/5.823' from the end and I get a 200 OK. Since I 
don't control the server I can't change this behaviour and 
so I wonder whether the checker could be amended very slightly to either

a) remove the libwww reference in the UA string
b) offer an option to run the checker with a different UA string




Phil Archer
W3C Mobile Web Initiative

Received on Thursday, 7 January 2010 18:00:08 UTC