www-validator@w3.org from December 2007 by subject

[VE][46] ">" in first line of Page

[VE][63] on long title element

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Apache module to validate everything

Doesn't validate online, but pasted View Source does

DTD catalogues (Was: XHTML 1.1 validator rejects xml:space attributes)

is this switch valid?

On W3C documents Licences

some things that w3c validator could warn/complain about (mostly XHTML interoperability issues)

target in a-tag

Valid XHTML and PHP

Validation problem

Validator case-sensitive bug for CHARSET?

Validator get's different html from what I see

Validator vc MS IE 7

Validator vc MS IE 7 - follow up

validator@w3.org and comments

Last message date: Monday, 31 December 2007 14:18:12 UTC