Re: URI vs URL and long list of pedantic gramatical quibbles with the static pages

David Dorward wrote:

 > 1. All URLs are also URIs
 > 2. The validator accepts a subset of URLs for that part of its input
 > 3. Any subset of URLs is also a subset of URIs (as a consequence of 1)
 > 4. Some w3c output discusses URIs which are not URLs
 > and from what I gather:
 > 5. For consistency, the term URI is used globally for all w3c output

In 1997, Dan Connolly wrote :

"My suggestion: the distinction isn't useful in any of these cases;
  the public knows them as URLs and URL schemes. So we should do a
  global s/URI/URL/ everywhere.

  2nd choice: do a s/URL/URI/ in all the formal specs,
  begin to educate the public that the list of schemes
  is a list of URI schemes."

I'd like to know why Dan's suggestion was rejected in favour
of his less-preferred fallback option.

** Phil.

Received on Friday, 30 April 2004 13:37:02 UTC