Re: Beta: Charset attribute

On Sat, 2002-11-02 at 20:03, Terje Bless wrote:

> >Anyway, I found the "Note: The HTTP Content-Type field did not contain a
> >"charset" attribute ..." confusing in the context. Could it be worded
> >differently?
> Probably. Can you suggest something that would have made more sense to you?

Here's mine (note the s/field/header/ too):

For the upload case:

  "Note: The HTTP Content-Type header sent by your user agent
   [maybe-the-User-Agent-header-here] did not contain ..."

For the "normal" case:

  "Note: The HTTP Content-Type header sent by the server
   [maybe-the-Server-header-here] did not contain ..."

\/ille Skyttä
ville.skytta at

Received on Saturday, 2 November 2002 13:12:43 UTC