Re: linking in frames


> I have a frames document with 2 frames: one is a navigation bar, and the
> other is a main content frame.  From an OUTSIDE DOCUMENT, I would like to
> create a hyperlink that loads my frames page, and loads a specific page into
> the main content frame.  However, the page I would like to load is different
> from the default page for that frame as set up in my frames definition.
> Is there a way to target a specific frame in a document from a link that is
> in a completely different document?
Your frames page (the one with the <FRAMESET>) specifies both the names
of the containing frames and their initial content (URLs).  An outside
document can refer to the enclosing frames page - but that won't load
your content frame of choice - or to your content URL of choice using
your content frame name as a TARGET - but that assumes your frames page
is already there.  It cannot do both at once - a single link cannot
convey the information.  There is no way to solve this in HTML.  You'd
have to use Javascript or special HTTP techniques to send multiple
pages consecutively and it would always be clumsy.

The only real solution is to have a new frameset page that refers to
the content you want to include.  You didn't mention which of the pages
you can write, which makes it hard to suggest a specific solution.

Reinier Post

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2000 12:17:51 UTC