Who needs Form-based Device Input and Upload in HTML?

In response to questions about the utility of the proposal described 
in the draft ftp://ftp.bovik.org/draft-salsman-www-device-upload-02.txt
-- here are three URLs which will make clear what the HTML Working 
Group can make possible, all of which currently require either a 
telephone [1,2] or a stand-alone PC:

[1] http://www.cybertranscriber.com/ -- automatic transcription 
from spoken dictation from Speech Machines Corp.

[2] http://www.ordinate.com/ -- testing of English fluency, 
listening, and vocabulary from Ordinate Corp.

[3] http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~listen/ -- literacy instruction from 
a reading tutor that listens from Carnegie Mellon's Project LISTEN

James Salsman

Received on Tuesday, 28 July 1998 00:03:19 UTC