Re: Forced Resignation

On 02/07/2014 08:11 , Eric J. Bowman wrote:
> Robin Berjon wrote:
>> This rule is protecting against a problem that hasn't happened, and
>> that does not seem very likely to happen.
> Maybe that means it's working as intended?

In a world in which a trivial form of logic applied this would indeed 
hold, but the problem in question can be approached from many angles and 
could therefore, if it were threatening us, be observed from other 
vantage points.

If I were a company bent on taking over the TAG, in the presence of this 
rule, I would still proceed. I would have my most vocal, friendly, and 
convincing minions sign up to the list and take over the discussion. I 
would have them run for election in turns so that they are progressively 
all alumni, with whatever clout that might bring. I would find credible 
puppet freelancers to occupy other seats.

If you're going to assume malice, at the very least assume minimally 
competent malice. Not only is it kinder and more respectful to those who 
really are out to get you, but if you stop to think about it being 
paranoid about dumbness is a waste of perfectly good fretfulness.

No one is aiming to take over the TAG.

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Wednesday, 2 July 2014 07:43:14 UTC