Re: Comments on draft "baseline" httprange-14 replacement

Hi Kingsley:
I raised the the MGET issue several months ago, early in this discussion,
and received a flurry of responses that said, in effect, FUGGEDABOUTIT,
no one wants to implement another HTTP verb.  Some response were much
less polite :-)
All the best, Ashok

On 2/19/2012 1:33 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> On 2/18/12 9:04 AM, Jonathan A Rees wrote:
>>> A descriptor resource is a kind of information resource.
>>> >
>>> >  We are looking for words that clearly explain the following indirection:
>>> >
>>> >  SubjectName->SubjectDescriptorResourceAddress->SubjectDescriptionRepresentation
>>> >  (an eav/spo graph pictorial) .
>> With some methods, such as MGET,
> MGET is how URIQA retrieves the description of a Subject identified by a URI. Basically, it delivers the missing DESCRIBE operation which is a natural fit for Linked Data. That said, a SPARQL DESCRIBE delivers the same thing to HTTP GET via Query parameters.
> You still end up dealing with indirection even if its:
> SubjectName (URI) ->SubjectDescriptorResourceAddress (SPARQL DESCRIBE URL) ->SubjectDescriptionRepresentation
> or
> SubjectName (URI) -->SubjectDescriptionRepresentation (with a bookmarking problem since you don't have a SubjectDescriptorResourceAddress).
> BTW -- I know of no URIQA implementation bar ours re. Linked Data. We've long assumed MGET isn't used by anyone.
>> 209, LSID, and conneg, there is no
>> "SubjectDescriptorResourceAddress", only a representation, so making
>> indirection through a URI-named resource a necessary part of the
>> problem statement would be preemptive.
> You make a proxy/wrapper HTTP resolver for that, and we've implemented that re. Linked Data. The end result is the same as I've outlined re. HTTP.
>>   The overall relation
>> "representation Z is a NUDC for URI U" needs to be the operative
>> primitive here (regardless of what you call it), or else these
>> solutions get locked out.
> They don't if HTTP is the data access mechanism in question. You make a bridge and once made you still end up with:
> SubjectName (URI) ->SubjectDescriptorResourceAddress (URL - which can be a proxy/wrapper) ->SubjectDescriptionRepresentation

Received on Monday, 20 February 2012 00:29:09 UTC