Courtesy notification: call for consensus on HTML normative language reference issues

At TPAC, the TAG and HTML WG met jointly and discussed several topics.  
One of them was the notion of a normative language reference. My take- 
away from that session was that we had rough consensus on the following:

- The author-only view of the main document, plus the fact that it was  
actively maintained and reviewed by itself for quality, was sufficient  
to largely satisfy the requirements for a normative language reference.
- There was no need to try to publish Mike's HTML: The Markup Langauge  
draft as an additional normative spec, but it could be useful as a non- 
normative reference guide to only the markup syntax of HTML5.

Based on this, we have issued a Call for Consensus to close the  
related HTML Working Group issues without prejudice:

ISSUE-59 - normative-language-reference -
ISSUE-67 - h:tml-parsing-dom -

Note: closing without prejudice simply means further changes in this  
area will not be treated as Last Call blockers by the HTML WG.

A member of the TAG asked for the TAG to be notified and given a  
chance to respond[1]. Therefore we are sending this notification and  
will extend the call for consensus until January 7th, to give the TAG  
a meaningful opportunity to review the issues and reply.



Received on Tuesday, 15 December 2009 19:17:17 UTC