Status of Roy Fieldings suggestions regarding limitations (draft-nottingham-site-meta)

Mark:  as you know, a few weeks ago Roy suggested [1] regarding 
draft-nottingham-site-meta that:

"I would prefer that as well.  In fact, I'd say that these "well-known" 
addresses should be limited to stuff that must be known before a regular 
resource access, such as robots and P3P, or are an efficiency replacement 
for regular access, like sitemap."

The TAG will likely be discussing this at our F2F next week, and it would 
be useful to know whether Roy's suggestion is being taken as a formal 
comment on the draft as it moves through the IETF process.  In fact, we'd 
be very grateful to get any information you can provide about the likely 
disposition of Roy's comments and/or any related requests for change. 
Thank you. 



Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Wednesday, 2 December 2009 16:40:43 UTC