RE: TAG directions

The members of the W3C probably require more justification 
for this group spending more time on the SemWeb where the 
business case has not been made and less time on the 
Web Services domain where a business case is being made. 

Substantial investments are being made in fielding web 
service technologies for mission critical systems including 
homeland security.  The statement 'this is hard' from the 
mail cited below is not convincing given that web services 
are being fielded.  It may be the case that no obstacles 
to their implementation that challenge the architecture 
have been presented, so no actions are required (ie, 
works fine with OFWeb).


From: []On Behalf Of

Our main subject for the upcoming face to face meeting is "TAG 
Directions".  Tim set down some ideas in the note at [1], and I've been 
giving a lot of thought to where I think we should go.   The attached HTML 
document sets out some of my ideas. 



Received on Friday, 3 June 2005 20:44:32 UTC