RE: yet another sidetrack on what a URI identifies

It is a name associated to a function: retrograde GUI.

Links are names + functions or in the oldespeak, a link and 
a locator.  It gets messier if one really digs down to 
the level of the actual thing retrieved and deals with 
the semantic of locating within a type, eg, a bitmap area
locator vs any one of the different kinds of markup 

The complaints about URIs in XMLNS are well-taken, 
not wrong.  You are only worried that a thing work 
if it is interpreted in all of your terms and these 
are implemented consistently.  Ok so far, but the
reality is the GUI thinks it a URI IS a link 
and therefore, when it sees the URI, it 
automatically enables the function.  

So the user is confused.  The W3C confuses them.

Your theory is consistent; its implementations 
aren't.  You will be explaining that as long as 
names used as disambiguating syntax are identical 
to names paired with functions for locating and 
retrieving representations of resources.


-----Original Message-----
From: Roy T. Fielding []

In any case, the reason we had this discussion originally is because
some people were complaining about xmlns identifiers being http URIs
because they believed that a URI could not be both a name and a way
of retrieving a web page.  They are wrong, as demonstrated repeatedly
by working practice and the REST model, because they were ignoring
the difference between a URI and a GET action on a URI.

Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 09:31:05 UTC