Re: Updated: issue qnameAsId-18

/ Tim Bray <> was heard to say:
| Norman Walsh wrote:
|> / Chris Lilley <> was heard to say:
|> | Well, you could add it as your own data type in RelaxNG and make it
|> | available for others to use...
|> Yes, I think specifications for the web should allow just this sort
|> of
|> flexibility. I think hard-coding XML Schema Part 2 Data Types into
|> languages as the one-and-only-true-datatype-system will come back to
|> bite us in the ...
| I agree 100%.  And I fear that this issue (of schema language
| politics) may well eventually be deemed architectural and land in our
| laps, sigh. -Tim

Sooner is probably better than later then. We could still influence
the direction of the XML Query/XPath Data Model, perhaps. Perhaps.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman.Walsh@Sun.COM   | 'Heartless Cynics,' the young men shout, /
XML Standards Engineer | Blind to the world of Fact without; / 'Silly
XML Technology Center  | Dreamers,' the old men grin / Deaf to the
Sun Microsystems, Inc. | world of Purpose within.--W. H. Auden

Received on Friday, 7 June 2002 15:20:41 UTC