Re: SVG Feature Request: Toggle text selection sensitivity

Related to this thread, I'm exploring the possibility of enabling CSS pointer-events to work with canvas.

The stroke(), fill() and clearRect properties are sufficient to maintain a 1bit per pixel bitmap as an incremental improvement on the relationship between DOM events and the 2d context.

It seems quite manageable within existing specs; but would lump strokeText in with stroke(), or simply not composite strokeText / fillText onto the 1bit per pixel backing store.

I'd be ok with that latter behavior, as, if I wanted the text to be clickable, I could composite it onto a temporary layer, first. But it is a little awkward.

Thoughts from the SVG crowd?

It's my hope that work on canvas accessibility will contribute to svg a11y.


On Apr 6, 2011, at 10:22 AM, Cameron McCormack <> wrote:

> Rick:
>> So, this is an answer, and it invalidates the problem presented by my
>> use case.  I'm straining my brain to think of a case where it wouldn't
>> suffice.  No luck.
> I think there are certainly situations where you want to have some text
> that responds to pointer events but not by performing selection.  The
> usual way people solve this is to set pointer-events="none" on the text
> element and place an invisible rectangle above/below it to capture the
> mouse events.  This isn’t ideal because you do not always know how big
> the text will be, depending on font fallback and so on.
> -- 
> Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Wednesday, 6 April 2011 19:06:59 UTC