Re: SVG1.1 New Accessibility Guidelines? & keyboard


thanks for your prompt response,
perhaps you would consider my example:

accessKey does not wfm in recent nightly builds of Opera, do you have  
an example that does?

the example above was tested on Squiggle and Opera, the only two UA  
that I know to support animate. The result is not encouraging, as  
there are a number of differences.

perhaps we could design some simpler tests, and agree what should  
there is little point in developing a spec, unless the UAs agree on  
it's implementation...

best wishes

Jonathan Chetwynd
Accessibility Consultant on Media Literacy and the Internet

On 19 Jan 2008, at 12:55, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann wrote:

About the begin element for animation elements:
The value is a (semicolon separated) list, not just one possibility:

As a device independent event 'activate' is useful, therefore
in doubt the author may add it as an additional begin event
value to ensure better accessibility. Additionally sometimes
the restart attribute may help to avoid some undesired
situations with multiple begins (before you are dissappointed,
for example Opera ignores 'activate' currently unfortunately.
And some more complex situations with restart may be wrong
in some viewers too ;o)

 From Opera I know, accessKey is partly supported. One needs
additional keys to activate something, but in SMIL it is noted,
that no further key should be required: 
Therefore usable, but not completely correct, independent from the  
whether it may be a practical problem for general purpose viewers to do
this without a further key ;o)

I cannot understand, how the lazy interaction sample from SMIL is  
to you question. The value of an end attribute can be a list too,  
this is
similar to begin. Additionally there are different possibilities in SMIL
animation to have influence on the active duration with different
attributes, this can be very complex and several viewers in the past
and the present do not interprete all this completely correct -  
currently I would like to suggest authors to keep the end of active
duration simple, but to check and discuss more complex situations
independently to improve both the general understanding of authors
and implementors and the behaviour of viewers.

Received on Saturday, 19 January 2008 17:55:25 UTC