Re: Third release of Constraint SVG browser

Hi Cameron

On Sat 2004-02-28 Cameron McCormack wrote:
> Tobias Reif:
> > In your code the frame rate is set in stone, if the implementation
> > plays the animation with a different or variable resolution (frame
> > rate) then it's not doing what it was told by the code.
> No, it's not.  The c:time() function will return the number of
> seconds since the document loading time.  The user agent will then
> update (as quickly as it can) the expression that contains the
> c:time() call.  Is it possible to tell normal SMIL animations to
> play at speeds different from one second per second?

Hmm ... there seems to be some confusion :|

> If so, then fine, c:time() can take that into account.  If not, then
> there's no problem anyway.
> If I still don't get it, please make me understand. :-)

This stuff is complex, and I don't understand your code.

The comment in your code

  <!-- move 20 units every second -->

seemed to state that the code tells your implementation at which frame
rate to play this animation. Playing it at 50fps instead of 20fps
would not be possible then.

If the code instead says "the animated object should be at 20 * x
units after x seconds, animate with any frame rate you like (redraw as
often as you like as long as ($current_position/20 ==
$seconds_passed))" then that's something else.


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Received on Friday, 27 February 2004 11:10:31 UTC