Re: Request for path having child paths or being composed of point elements

Robin Berjon wrote:

> Andy Bailey wrote:
>> I just happen to think that xsl is the best invention since sliced 
>> bread. And want to be able to process everything xml using xsl. It 
>> just happens that I want to reverse a svg cubic spline path using xsl 
>> and there is no easy way to do it.
>> By the way is there any other way to do what I want?
> Which XSLT processor are you using? You could write a extension 
> function to manipulate path data. I think I have one for XML::LibXSLT 
> /somewhere/.

I use xsltproc on linux and xalan (java1.4) on windows, but I'd prefer a 
standard way using xsl.

> As for the notion that the path syntax "breaks XML", I see what you 
> mean but it is not an isolated case. Take XPath for instance (since 
> you're talking about XSLT), it used to be in an XML syntax... aren't 
> we glad it was changed to its more sensical self?

I think it all depends whether you want people to be able to process it 
with xsl, xpointer, xinclude etc.

> I believe that the path syntax as it stands makes it much easier to 
> author (not everyone uses visual tools for that). It also helps 
> compact not only the file, more much more importantly the DOM, which 
> is quite important.

I understand completely, but I still think it would be nice to have the 
option that the path can have child nodes, without taking away the  d 
It would be good to reuse parts of paths in other paths - that would 
make my svg file more compact!

Just an idea...

Thanks to all the people involved in the for the standards, it 
makes life so much easier.

Andy Bailey

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2003 14:32:00 UTC