Re: feFuncRType

On Friday, January 11, 2002, 4:40:56 PM, Jiri wrote:

JJ> Hello,
JJ>   there is a duplicate attribute conflict
JJ> for "feFuncRType" complexType:

JJ> The attribute "type" is defined in place
JJ> and also it is contained in the attributeGroup
JJ> "component_transfer_function_attributes", which
JJ> is referenced there.

JJ> Perhaps its in-place definition should be removed?

Yes, I agree.

JJ> I hope, you are not offended by my bug-reports,
JJ> it's an incredible piece of work to build such
JJ> a Schema, thanks for it!

On the contrary, we are not offended at all. You are doing a very
useful review - its amazing what a fresh pair of eyes spots. The next
release will be much better because of your careful review.

-- Chris


Received on Sunday, 13 January 2002 16:27:27 UTC