Re: [SVG1.0] no tspan allowed inside an anchor?

Jim Ley wrote:

> DIV isn't a block element in HTML.

BTW, it is.

> So the direct conversion of span to tspan would give me this:
> <text x="100px" y="100px"><a xlink:href="">
> <tspan class="domain">
>  <tspan class="subdomain">ln</tspan>
>  <tspan class="dot">.</tspan>
>  <tspan class="hixie">hixie</tspan>
>  <tspan class="dot">.</tspan>
>  <tspan class="ch">  <tspan class="c">c</tspan>h</tspan>
> </tspan></a>
> </text>
> Of course as we note that isn't valid,

So why not make it valid?

> If that's the only motivation for tspan, then I would certainly like to
> see it removed,

Why? If the above snippet is your only motivation; why not make the 
above legal, as I suggested in a previous post?



Received on Monday, 19 August 2002 11:06:37 UTC