Storing data related to SVG elements

What would be the recommended approach to store (ideally directly in a SVG document) data about an SVG element ?
For example an SVG map containing points that represent cities that have attribute information such as Name (String), Population (Integer), etc.
What's the best place for this information to be held in order to make it available to the user using javascript interaction ? I am looking for an approach that is opened since there could be quite a bit of attribute data associated with an element sometimes.
Are the <title> and <desc> elements are appropriate for this and/or what kind of Marked-up text from other namespaces can be used ? 
In the second example is section 6.4 (the 'desc' and 'title' element) with the xml namespace mydoc, would this info (ex: para) be available through the SVG's DOM ?

Thanks in advance !

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Dany Bouchard
DBx Geomatics
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Received on Thursday, 6 July 2000 08:47:45 UTC