[CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2022-02-02 [css-backgrounds] [css-ruby-1] [css-inline] [css-pseudo] [css-contain] [css-overflow] [css-scroll-snap]

  These are the official CSSWG minutes.
  Unless you're correcting the minutes,
 Please respond by starting a new thread
   with an appropriate subject line.

Backgrounds and Borders 4

  - RESOLVED: Add Sebastian as co-editor to backgrounds and borders 4

CSS Ruby

  - RESOLVED: Writing mode of a ruby annotation is forced to vertical
              rl if the parent ruby position is inter-character (Issue
              #1773: Propose to treat rtc with orthogonal writing-mode
              to be inter-character rather than using ruby-position)

CSS Inline & Pseudo

  - RESOLVED: Root inline box is inside all the ::first-line pseudo
              elements (Issue #1384: Interaction of root inline box and

CSS Contain

  - RESOLVED: Allow static range backed custom highlights to be painted
              across paint contain boundaries (Issue #4598: Static
              ranges and css-contain)
  - RESOLVED: Accept proposal to in all cases use originating element
              (Issues #5984 (CQ vs shadow boundaries) and #6711
              (Container Queries and pseudo elements))

CSS Overflow & Scroll Snap

  - RESOLVED: Accept the proposal for scroll-start and add to scroll
              snap L2 (Issue #6986: Proposing scroll-start: allowing
              overflow scroll to not always start at 0 on 1st layout
  - RESOLVED: Add argyle as a co-editor of scroll snap L2


Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-style/2022Feb/0000.html

  Adam Argyle
  Rossen Atanassov
  Tab Atkins Bittner
  David Baron
  Oriol Brufau
  Daniel Clark
  Bo Cupp
  Elika Etemad
  Robert Flack
  Chris Harrelson
  Daniel Holbert
  Dael Jackson
  Rune Lillesveen
  Ting-Yu Lin
  Peter Linss
  Alison Maher
  Cameron McCormack
  Alan Stearns
  Miriam Suzanne
  Zheng Xu

  Jonathan Kew
  Una Kravets

Scribe: dael

  astearns: I assume you saw the request to possibly skip items 4 and 5
  Rossen: I did
  Rossen: I think we have enough folks but I don't see florian
  miriam: I was confusing 4 with a different one. We can delay 5
          without delaying 4
  Rossen: I saw your note and I lumped together related issues. Happy
          to rearrange
  Rossen: We can get going
  Rossen: Welcome
  Rossen: Any agenda items you want me to change in the current agenda?
  Rossen: Plenty of overflow so won't run out of topics
  Rossen: Let me know if there's something we should skip

Backgrounds and Borders 4

  fantasai: Quick, propose Sebastian as co-editor of backgrounds and
            borders 4
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Add Sebastian as co-editor to backgrounds and borders 4

  Rossen: miriam feel free to tell me which to skip. I think you're
          talking about 4 and 5
  miriam: Only skip 5
  Rossen: Other changes?

CSS Ruby

Propose to treat rtc with orthogonal writing-mode to be
    inter-character rather than using ruby-position
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1773

  <fantasai> proposal at
  fantasai: I figured we would go over proposal and decide if we want
            to accept
  fantasai: Proposal is here ^
  fantasai: It's that writing mode of ruby annotation computes to
            vertical rl if the ruby position of parent is
  fantasai: Type of ruby that goes down side of element. Picture link
  <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-ruby-1/#ruby-position-inter-character-annotation
  fantasai: No matter text they're always on right and always top to
  fantasai: Had difficulties to get writing mode and ruby position to
            interact. Proposal is to use the ruby position of the
            annotation container rather than annotation because
            container easier to look up
  fantasai: Proposing that if this box is a ruby annotation and it's
            parent, annotation container, is inter-character the
            writing mode of this box computes to rl
  fantasai: Odd cases you can get into. For example, set
            inter-character and have anonymous boxes.
  fantasai: For the most part think works in most cases
  fantasai: Proposal to change spec to say this. Want to ask if there
            are concerns or a better solution

  florian: Xidorn finds that it would work. That was encouraging, but
           about a year ago
  fantasai: Don't have to resolve today but should resolve

  iank: All this means is that for computing writing mode we depend on
        the tag name and the parent style if it has interstyle set?
  fantasai: Did you say tag name?
  iank: Just the display of the box?
  fantasai: Display of box and parent
  iank: Okay. Seems fine from style adjuster
  florian: Interaction slightly annoying, but no loops

  Rossen: Other opinions or questions?
  Rossen: I prefer if we try and have a resolution here. Even if we
          have to revisit later
  florian: Would be nice if spec could have latest thinking. Can always
           speak again
  Rossen: It's been a year and no other suggestions put forward. This
          will be good forcing function
  Rossen: Treating rtc with orthogonal writing mode to be

  fantasai: Prop: Writing mode of a ruby annotation is forced to
            vertical rl if the parent ruby position is inter-character
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Writing mode of a ruby annotation is forced to vertical rl
            if the parent ruby position is inter-character

CSS Inline & Pseudo

Interaction of root inline box and ::first-line
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/1384

  oriol: I can explain unless florian prefers
  oriol: The idea is that in css 2 we had concept of the strat that
         forced the line height to be at least the value of the line
         height in block container
  oriol: Replaced with root inline box, but not clear how that
         interacts with first line. Root inline is anonymous inline box
         that contains inline level contents in first line.
  oriol: The first line is behaving as an inline level is it inside the
         root inline box? Inside the first line pseudo?
  oriol: This was more theoretical but had practical implication we
         resolved in issue 2282
  oriol: There resolved in first line pseudo element you can set line
         height to a value smaller than in block. This should reduce it.
  oriol: Implication of this is that first-line pseudo element cannot
         be inside root inline box. Has to be the opposite
  oriol: Then florian proposed that what we could do is unify the boxes
         and say first-line pseudo is exactly the fragment of the root
         inline box in the first line. Don't think this works because
         can have multiple first line pseudo elements
  oriol: At most what we could do is innermost is the frag of the root
         inline box. Otherwise we do need nesting
  oriol: Only possibility we have is that the fragment of the root
         inline box is inside the innermost or it's equal to innermost

  florian: Makes sense. My proposal was because it seemed simpler but
           you have a case where makes a difference. Given that we're
           left with one possibility and go with that
  fantasai: Proposal: root inline box is inside all the first line
            pseudo elements?
  oriol: Yeah
  Rossen: Other opinions?
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: root inline box is inside all the ::first-line pseudo

CSS Contain

Static ranges and css-contain
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/4598

  dandclark: This is a issue regarding if custom highlights backed by
             static range should paint of cross boundaries
  <dandclark> Proposed resolution: Allow static-range-backed custom
              highlights to be painted across paint-contain boundaries.
  dandclark: Would like to allow static range backed to be painted
             across boundaries. Think it's better user and dev
             experience. For user won't have issues when things
             disappear when crossing arbitrary boundaries
  dandclark: TabAtkins had point that this is outside of what paint
             contain requires. If element is offscreen you can skip
             painting. This doesn't follow the definition. Skipping
             offscreen we would not break
  dandclark: Did due diligence in chromium. We believe optimizations
             lost would be minor since we would just need to do
             validity checks. When painting we invalidate all nodes and
             can still skip when doing painting step if offscreen
  dandclark: Overall the pros outweigh the cons

  <sanketj> SGTM
  florian: I've been convinced I'm wrong. Thank you for doing the
           diligence to give me confidence in the solution
  Rossen: Any others who were in florian's camp?

  Rossen: Proposal?
  dandclark: Allow static range backed custom highlights to be painted
             across paint contain boundaries
  Rossen: Objections?

  RESOLVED: Allow static range backed custom highlights to be painted
            across paint contain boundaries

Container Queries and pseudo elements
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6711

  futhark: I wanted to take issues 4 & 6 at same time. Have proposal
           for both
  futhark: Easy to explain for pseudo elements. When on selectors the
           originating element is closest query container
  futhark: Spec currently doesn't say anything about pseudo elements
  futhark: For issue with shadow dom property is establish query
           container as the shadow including and having the originating
           element of the select be the first one poss to query
  futhark: Proposal is in the shadow dom issue for that
  futhark: There's the explanation for how this fits with slotted,
           before, after, etc
  <miriam> this comment:
  futhark: TabAtkins do you have a better way to explain?
  TabAtkins: All in all 3 cases to worry about. First is ordinary tree
             abiding ::before and ::after. That's simple, originating
             element. Act like they're children already
  TabAtkins: 2nd is shadow dom like ::part. Refers to element in
             shadow, but originates in host. If there are query
             containers between them will they be seen? We believe no
             because would expose internal details of the shadow.
  TabAtkins: If users want to query on the dom they see, they won't get
  TabAtkins: Again use originating element
  TabAtkins: Final is non-tree like ::first-line and ::first-letter.
  TabAtkins: Example where div for first-letter is used. Actual markup
             is a <p> that's a query container. I think again this is
             not seen because otherwise exposes where in the tree the
             non-abiding pseudo is. We've keep them away from answering
             for various reasons
  TabAtkins: By saying for purpose of query containers we use the
             originating element and skip the <p> it's nice and simple
  TabAtkins: In all cases use originating element. Straightforward and
             easy to understand

  fantasai: I think proposal makes sense.
  futhark: One thing not sure about is multiple pseudo. What's the
           originating div before marker. Is the originating of the
           marker before?
  futhark: Attempted to spec final originating element
  fantasai: Yes. Term is ultimate originating element
  TabAtkins: And agree that's what we want to use
  Rossen: Hearing agreement
  Rossen: Anything we're missing here? Other opinions?
  Rossen: Obj to accept this proposal?

  RESOLVED: Accept proposal to in all cases use originating element

  miriam: Skip issue 5, we've covered 6. futhark talked about proposal
          in 6. Separate resolution?
  futhark: Explanation from TabAtkins was on issue 6.

CQ vs shadow boundaries
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/5984

  RESOLVED: Accept proposal to in all cases use originating element

CSS Conditional

Rename @when to @if

  TabAtkins: Opened by leaverou
  TabAtkins: Should we push?
  Rossen: agree

CSS Overflow

Proposing scroll-start: allowing overflow scroll to not always start
    at 0 on 1st layout pass
  github: https://github.com/w3c/csswg-drafts/issues/6986

  argyle: Goal, we did survey asking devs about experience in scroll.
          Starting to write explainers
  argyle: Scroll-start has overlap with fragment navigation
          conceptually. But that is more magical because has more work
          to do and integrations to things like page refresh
  argyle: This wants to bring a portion of that power to move someone.
          Example is tabs to swipe between and want to start on a
          midway tab so it lays-out at that tab
  argyle: All solutions to do this now take extra time and additional
  argyle: Tucking a search bar above the fold is common. Spotify does
          this where you don't see search until you scroll up
  argyle: Proposal is advocating for way to do that in css using links
          as default. scroll-start 20px from top. Could also use %
  argyle: This would only apply if fragment navigation isn't used and
          user hasn't interacted with scroll. Waiting for it to go
          through a check listed in explainer to make sure it's
  argyle: If so on first layout layout at this position
  argyle: Adds scroll-start:target which is where you can have a child
          as a target for scroll. Akin to scroll-snap where you can
          snap on first layout. But after that you can't scroll anywhere
  argyle: People hack around this by setting a keyframe. Have a snap
          child, wait a keyframe, and then remove an animation to
          remove the snap so you can move
  argyle: Offering something simple for this
  argyle: Property on the child where child in scroll container says
          snap to me if user hasn't interacted with page
  argyle: Additional details in the proposal, but how is that for a
          first pass?

  smfr: I like proposal. Useful functionality. Like that it's
        element-based target
  smfr: Question is if we can define first layout pass. If page toggles
        display none and then goes back does that trigger first layout?
        If the layout tree is destroyed is that first layout?
  argyle: Nice. I hadn't articulated the proper timing. Makes sense as
          a request for the explainer. Thank you

  fantasai: I think the idea of doing this makes a lot of sense.
  fantasai: Being able to choose and element and have it be focus makes
  fantasai: Agree with TabAtkins's comment in the issue it should be
            property on element not scroll container
  fantasai: Have a similar problem with baseline alignment and aligning
            to child. 1339 issue
  fantasai: Should make them consistent in how they lookup
  fantasai: Makes sense overall and I support working on it
  argyle: So in favor of child property but don't agree with scroll
          port property of scroll-start?
  fantasai: Not sure if we need opt in for scroller, but scroller
            shouldn't pick position
  argyle: Absolutely
  fantasai: In terms of figuring out how element aligns in port we
            should reuse snap. I think alignment question is handled by
            scroll-snap. You do have question of first or last element
            that qualifies
  fantasai: Another interaction, content alignment can effect initial
            scroll position. Have to figure out how that interacts
  argyle: Thank you. Taken notes
  argyle: In explainer does say if parent and child both have or
          multiple children have snap target it has how to resolve.
          Currently first in dom
  fantasai: Good answer. First in dom makes a lot of sense. Want to
            think about if an element can block it's children from
            participating in that
  argyle: Thank you

  heycam: Wondering what should happen when the page is loading slowly
          or content is added to scroll container and first layout
          happens before target offset is reached. Keep reevaluating to
          determine if we do a scroll until condition is met?
  <dbaron> Not just lazy addition from script, but also a large page
           that does the first layout of the container when only some
           of its content has been loaded.
  argyle: Current mentality is this is easy to interrupt. It's a
          request. In case of something being lazy I would assume...say
          it's scroll-start:left 200px. If it did first layout and
          nothing has happened I would say if a scroll-start shows up
          later it's ignored. Scroll position is set
  heycam: A little worried authors would test on fast connection, get
          desired behavior, and then publish and scroll position isn't
          updated so looks weird
  fantasai: I think we should use logic for scrolling to :target and
            this would be the feature defining how that works
  TabAtkins: Going to say the same
  <dbaron> The logic for scrolling to targeted elements isn't very good
           -- I really wanted to try to improve it about 15 years ago
           but never got around to it. :-/
  argyle: And point of this is prevent jank and be there first. Misses
          it's mark if containing scroll port has been created and
          there's no children.
  argyle: I'm assuming Java is appending, but maybe even a really long
          document. I'm inclined to say trying to prevent jank and we
          want to do it all before a user sees it
  iank: It's possible that your html can slowly trickle in. I think
        that's heycam slow connection

  flackr: I wanted to reply to smfr and heycam points. In my mind see
          this as substitute for assumed 0 default scroll. So should
          reapply any time we would start at position 0. Probably not
          same as fragment navigation because that waits
  flackr: For css any time something introduced with scroll it
          shouldn't jump
  flackr: When an element becomes a scroll container we should look for
          this and jump to that unless doing other fragment navigation
  <TabAtkins> +1 to flackr's points

  dbaron: Related to what flackr just said. My opinion is fragment
          navigation is not very good. Had plan to fix around 2007 but
          kept postponing
  dbaron: Thing that happened 3 or 4 years ago that had some
          improvements. I would have liked to see fragment navigation
          try to scroll to fragment more frequently and have a state to
          say if it should keep trying
  dbaron: Not what happened and might not be web compat
  dbaron: Maybe doing same as fragment navigation is okay, but I think
          it's not that great and could be better for users

  chrishtr: Had a thought similar to flackr and others. What if instead
            of spec some default offset you spec what scroll anchor
            target is at the beginning. And that remains until user
            does something. If page takes a while to load browser knows
            what target should be and as it loads browser centers it on
  <fantasai> +1 to not specifying an offset; should choose an element,
             and align it based on properties in css-scroll-snap
  argyle: Sounds interesting. Sound like overlap with scroll-start
          target. Maybe target should behave as described
  fantasai: I think if we go with idea that scroll-snap-target aligns
            the same as scroll snap properties. Scroll padding and
            margin and align can determine the position. I think that
            should handle the offsets. Not sure there's a use case for
            offset at start not being the same as if you were targeting
            to the element
  <iank> What about for a large <canvas> within a scroller where you
         don't have an element to target?
  argyle: Hearing advocacy for scroll-start:target and no scroll-start
          because in general want to scroll an item into view
  argyle: There are people that wanted keywords or end and center that
          are 100% or 50%
  argyle: See what you're saying that length would be less used.
  argyle: Does seem like it should be an offering. Like I know my
          header is 50 px and what to be under that
  <TabAtkins> Agree we *sometimes* want an explicit offset.
  <smfr> maybe this should also cover the “always scrolled to the
         bottom“ case for chats etc
  fantasai: You want to target the thing under the heading so that you
            can change the font on your heading and have it still work
  fantasai: You can already to top of bottom with align content
  TabAtkins: There's a use case in chat where you can't do offset.
             Large canvas in a scroller
  fantasai: Can see that. Can also see if doing fancy with canvas you
            want to define snap areas. More to be done with canvas
  <chrishtr> Re large canvas: there should be a way to specify a
             position relative to that element
  argyle: Another is shopping where image takes up show screen. Start
          with that in center and then you can pan.
  fantasai: I believe align content is defined to do that
  <fantasai> https://www.w3.org/TR/css-align-3/#overflow-scroll-position

  Rossen: Seems like have positive consensus to adopt this proposal
  Rossen: Sure, there are details to work out
  Rossen: I see smfr is adding some of those to the issue
  Rossen: Assuming you're looking for resolution to adopt?
  argyle: Correct. Want way forward to prototype. Have demos and stuff
          for scroll-snap we're hoping to add scroll-start
  fantasai: My recommendation to draft this as scroll snap level 2.
            it's going to work closely with properties to determine

  Rossen: Prop 1: Accept the proposal for scroll-start and add to
          scroll snap L2
  Rossen: Objections?
  fantasai: No objection but would like to hold off on adding the
            offset and start with the element. Should look at use cases
  Rossen: If we have this in its own draft much easier to tease out
  Rossen: Didn't hear objections

  RESOLVED: Accept the proposal for scroll-start and add to scroll
            snap L2

  Rossen: Question 2, who will do this? Do we need to add argyle as an
  TabAtkins: Good idea if he's okay
  argyle: Happy to join in
  Rossen: Objections to add argyle as a co-editor of scroll snap l2?

  RESOLVED: Add argyle as a co-editor of scroll snap L2

  argyle: Plenty more to come

  Rossen: We're at the top of the hour. Plenty of issues for next week
  Rossen: Thank you for joining us and we'll chat next Wednesday

Received on Thursday, 3 February 2022 11:38:07 UTC