Re: Status of Ruby Text Offset?

On 11/29/17 1:32 PM, Daniel Yacob wrote:
 > It appears this topic was last discussed on February 7th of 2015 in the thread
 > "how to specify offset of ruby annotation box from ruby base box?" where it
 > was suggested that the "margin" style property on rb and rt tags would be
 > the best way to support ruby annotation text offset in the future.
 > I'm wondering if there has been any advancement on the topic? Either in
 > browser support or in a forthcoming recommendation for Ruby styling?
 > I did find that an annotation text offset could be achieved with the
 > "bottom" property set on an inner span tag of an rt tag.  But with very
 > limited browser support (Chrome 60 or lower, FireFox 57), as per:
 > rt span { bottom: 8px; [position: relative] }

Hi Daniel!

The CSSWG further discussed the ruby layout model last year and concluded that 
margins and padding on the ruby annotations should have this effect. More 
specifically, the annotation containers would be stacked without intervening 
space, but would be sized around the margin boxes of the annotations. Minutes 
of these discussions are:
Florian and I are in the process of incorporating the necessary edits into 

As for relative positioning, there's no reason per-spec that this shouldn't 
work, either on a child of the rt or on the rt itself! (Note however that a 
relpos-based shift won't affect the line height.)

I'll note that Firefox so far is the only browser that has a CSS Ruby 
implementation, and it may take awhile for implementations to catch up. I'm 
hoping that a more precise spec will make this easier.


Received on Monday, 15 February 2021 07:39:56 UTC