Re: [css-scroll-snap] [css-snappoints] Renaming scroll-snap-area to scroll-snap-margin

On 05/09/2016 02:19 PM, Matt Rakow wrote:
>> No, we absolutely want to keep scroll-snap-margin as the
>> name of the property. The problem is that you're calling
>> the rectangle formed by its edges as the "scroll snap margin",
>> and that's a misleading term. We named that concept the
> > "scroll snap area", because it includes the border-box area,
>> not just the area defined by the values of the scroll-snap-margin.
> Thanks, I see the distinction you're making now.  I've made
> that change now, but alternatively how would you feel about
> "scroll snap margin box"?  Feels a little strange to refer
> repeatedly to "scroll snap area" but then have the property
> name be "scroll-snap-margin".

I think there's a couple reasons not to do that... First one
is that it's longer, which makes our already wordy sentence
  harder to read. :) Second one is that it's really not so much
about the concept of margin, so evoking margin isn't really
helpful. It's about the snapping area as a whole.

Once we use the scroll-snap-margin to convert to this area,
we don't care about any other rectangle: there's no concept
of inner or outer boxes that we care about (as in layout,
where margin/padding/border/content box is a set of things
that are all significant). So we don't want to imply any
distinction among different kinds of boxes. There's just the
snap area, that's it.

Anyway, that's my thoughts on it.


Received on Monday, 9 May 2016 22:03:06 UTC