Re: [cssom] preferred order of shorthand props

On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 16:41:13 +0100, Greg Whitworth <>  

> I was curious what the reasoning behind this statement in step #3 for  
> preferred order:
>      # Move all items in shorthands that begin with "-" (U+002D) but do  
> not begin with "-webkit-" last in the list, retaining their relative  
> order.
> What is the purpose of singling out webkit in this case and ordering it  
> differently from other shorthands? I tried searching the list but  
> couldn't find anything specific as to the reasoning for this.

IIRC, my thinking was that it would be more Web-compatible (with  
"WebKit-only content") to prefer serializing -webkit- over other supported  
vendor prefixes. (The spec prefers prefixless properties over prefixed  
ones though.) I don't have data that indicates that it is indeed more  
compatible, and I don't know if this is implemented anywhere. It looks  
like Gecko serializes `-moz-user-select: text` rather than  
`-webkit-user-select: text`.

I'm happy to change the spec to something else like preferring the  
vendor's own prefix if implementors prefer that, although that seems  
slightly worse for interop.

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2016 17:56:53 UTC