Re: [css-pseudo] Need a way to styling the disclosure triangle of the <details> (or <summary>) element

On 07/03/2016 19:23, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

>> One reason Gecko added the one-click behaviour eons ago to the marker
>> was the editor where double-click is used to open element properties,
>> in our case list properties.
> Which editor? Does this still exist?  This certainly isn't the
> behavior of the Inspector today.

Of course it still exists, that's the editor you hit with
contenteditable in Gecko.

>> It also seems that none of Gecko, WebKit and Blink correctly applies
>> 'display: list-item; list-style-type: square' to an element that is not
>> a li, dt or dd.
> No, it works perfectly fine.  Are you accidentally hiding the bullet
> off-screen?  Switch to list-style-position:inside or add some
> padding/margin so it has space to display.

Holy cow, you're right. I stand corrected.

> A horizontal navbar is *not* a table, by any stretch of the
> imagination.  It's a horizontal arrangement of boxes.  display:table
> happens to achieve that, and luckily also has some nice size-balancing
> behavior.
> Or, if you want to say that a horizontal navbar *is* a table, then the
> summary element is exaclty as much a list item.  It's a block element
> with a bullet, exactly like a list item.
> You can't have it both ways.  Either 'display' is non-semantic and its
> values get used for all sorts of things unrelated to the original
> naming, or 'display' is semantic *but* the "semantics" are way wider
> than one would naively believe.  The first way allows <summary> to use
> display:list-item.  The second way condemns people using display:table
> for navbars.

You did not understand me: I never said display is semantic. I said
human beings give semantic to its value. 'table' for a table rendition
is normal, understandable, logic. 'list-item' for a details' summary
is far less.


Received on Tuesday, 8 March 2016 06:34:34 UTC