Re: [css-page-floats] Fallback behavior of clear:block-start/etc

On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 10:50 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>

> "clear: block-start" only has useful behavior for page floats. For
> other elements, it's currently defined to act identically to "clear:
> inline-start".  (And "block-end" falls back to acting like
> "inline-end".)  This seems arbitrary and weird - the axises arent'
> interchangeable!

> "block-start/end" should either fall back to "both" (if you want to
> preserve the fact that it's clearing) or "none" (because the author
> messed up and tried to do an invalid clear).  I'm not sure which one
> is better.  fantasai prefers "none".

I would be fine with either one, probably better to use "none". Should we
also use "none" if a user tries to float an inline-float to the block-start?

> ~TJ and fantasai

Johannes Wilm
Fidus Writer

Received on Saturday, 23 January 2016 19:21:47 UTC