Re: [css-page-floats] Fallback behavior of clear:block-start/etc


I think "clear: block-start" and "clear: block-end" will be useful 
for normal block-level elements or inline floats if they have the 
following meanings:

(my proposal)

    If applied to a block-level element (or inline floats), 
    it ensures that any floats preceding the block in document order 
    don't exceed the beginning of the block, 
    and when the block has force column/region/page break-before, 
    it ensures that any floats preceding the block don't appear 
    in the same or following column/region/page.

    If applied to a page float, ....

    If applied to a block-level element (or inline floats), 
    it ensures that any floats preceding or within the block 
    in document order don't exceed the end of the block.
    (This can be used for "clearfix".)

    If applied to a page float, ....

    Behave like inline-start and inline-end.
    Behave like block-start and block-end.
    Behave like both-inline.
    Behave like both-block and both-inline.

  article {
    clear: all;

    <h1>First article</h1>
    <h1>Second article</h1>

The "clear: all" ensures that the figures in the first article don't 
intrude into the second article even if the figures have any float 
properties (float-defer, etc.).

Shinyu Murakami

Johannes Wilm <> wrote on 2016/01/24 4:21:18
> On Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 10:50 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <>
> wrote:
> > "clear: block-start" only has useful behavior for page floats. For
> > other elements, it's currently defined to act identically to "clear:
> > inline-start".  (And "block-end" falls back to acting like
> > "inline-end".)  This seems arbitrary and weird - the axises arent'
> > interchangeable!
> > "block-start/end" should either fall back to "both" (if you want to
> > preserve the fact that it's clearing) or "none" (because the author
> > messed up and tried to do an invalid clear).  I'm not sure which one
> > is better.  fantasai prefers "none".
> >
> I would be fine with either one, probably better to use "none". Should we
> also use "none" if a user tries to float an inline-float to the block-start?
> > ~TJ and fantasai
> >
> >
> -- 
> Johannes Wilm
> Fidus Writer

Received on Sunday, 24 January 2016 07:43:56 UTC