Re: [css-lists][html] <summary> and ::marker

> > I feel changing list-style-* properties to *only* apply to the ::marker
> > could be
> > another source for compatibility issues. Other implementers who are
> familiar
> > with counter styles might want to comment this.
> I don't see how it can cause any compatibility issue at all, in any
> scenario.  The list-style-* properties today only apply to list items,
> they inherit, and ::marker is always a child of a list item, so all
> code that today uses them to style a list item would, under this
> proposal, style the marker instead, and no page can accidentally pick
> up marker styling if it wasn't already styling the list item.

I didn't consider the ::marker will have list-style-* properties inherited
from list items. The explanation makes sense to me. Thank you.

Received on Wednesday, 27 April 2016 06:04:10 UTC