Re: [css-color][compat][css-text-decor] Are more variants of currentcolor needed?

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 1:48 PM, L. David Baron <> wrote:
> So the spec for the currentcolor:
> says that currentcolor represents the value of the 'color' property.
> The text-emphasis-color and text-decoration-color properties:
> use currentcolor as their initial value.
> However, the compat spec introduces a -webkit-text-fill-color
> property that overrides the color of text:
> which has proven to be needed for compatibily.  I believe Edge has
> implemented it, and Gecko has an implementation and is working on
> implementing the full set of changes needed to ship that
> implementation.
> In Chromium (and I presume WebKit, although I didn't test), the
> -webkit-text-fill-color property also influences the color of
> text-decorations.  See this test:
> I presume that it should also influence the color of text-emphasis,
> although neither Chromium nor Edge appears to implement
> text-emphasis, and the patches to Gecko so far haven't done this
> (although I think they should).
> How should this be handled?  I see a few options:
>  (1) Say that the 'currentcolor' value has different meaning for
>  text-decoration-color and text-emphasis-color, and for those
>  properties uses '-webkit-text-fill-color' instead of 'color'.
>  (2) Introduce a new value, such as 'current-text-color' or
>  'current-text-fill-color' (maybe without hyphens‽) that is the
>  initial value of 'text-decoration-color' and 'text-emphasis-color'.
> Again, I wrote a few tests for this at:
> although I think more could probably be added.

Surely there's a (3) See if WK/Blink can change their behavior to make
text-decorations follow 'color' by default rather than


Received on Friday, 22 April 2016 21:51:37 UTC