New CSS declaration for width and height

Good morning,

I am Giovanna, a Front End Developer from London.

I would like to suggest a new CSS declarations to use in case you have to
specify width and height, and these two must be exactly the same.

For example, when you cannot leave either width or height to auto, and have
to specify for both exactly the same value.

It would be handy to have a declaration such as “*size: 100px*” which would
mean “width - height: 100px”.

Even if by using variables we would have to change only that once, I think
this little line could be of use in many cases and would certainly save one
line of code, which is always good.

The web is full of squares and I think developers would benefit from having
this little declaration ready to use.

Hopefully you will take this into consideration, thank you!


Received on Tuesday, 19 April 2016 14:11:03 UTC