- From: Francois Remy <francois.remy.dev@outlook.com>
- Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2016 15:15:21 -0700
- To: "'Tab Atkins Jr.'" <jackalmage@gmail.com>
- CC: "'fantasai'" <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>, "'www-style list'" <www-style@w3.org>, "'Eric A. Meyer'" <eric@meyerweb.com>, "'Jen Simmons'" <jen@jensimmons.com>, "'Rachel Andrew'" <rachelandrewuk@gmail.com>
> From: Tab Atkins Jr. [mailto:jackalmage@gmail.com] > On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 10:21 AM, Francois Remy > <francois.remy.dev@outlook.com> wrote: > >> fantasai's message is the long and complete proposal, so for the > >> purpose of easier comprehension, here's the tl;dr: > >> > >> display:subgrid is very similar to display:contents - the elements' > >> children position/size/etc in the *parent* grid instead. Except: > >> > >> * they get positioned "as a group" - they can only fill the grid > >> cells that the subgrid does (which is predefined - subgrids need an > >> explicit grid span in both dimensions) > >> * the subgrid itself does draw (so you can have margin/border/padding > >> around the group) > >> * when sizing, the subgrid itself contributes - it acts like an empty > >> grid item in the parent grid, and its children that touch one of its > >> edges act like they have extra margin equal to the m/b/p of the > >> subgrid on that edge, so they'll > >> *look* like they're visually aligned > >> *within* the subgrid by default (despite laying out in the parent grid > instead). > > > > With the addition of "repeat this group of tracks as a block" that might > work out. Still not confident about it, though, because last I know you could > only auto-repeat things that were fixed-sized. Since this change is not > specced yet, I would just want to get a few examples of how you would use > this track-group repeat. Is this a auto-row feature? > > I'm not sure what you're asking about. Isn't this all addressed by #5 in the > proposal? What specifically is confusing you about that? | repeat(auto-fill, ...) and repeat(auto-fit, ...) gain | back a full <track-list> argument. Per the use-case, | only full track-list repetitions are allowed; if tracks | are dropped, the entire track-list group must be dropped. I was wondering whether this meant repeat(...) would take auto-sized tracks, and if that is something implementors could deal with. My subgrid example definitely does require auto-sized tracks, but it could be achieved with just auto-rows taking multiple tracks, so I am not sure why this proposal speaks about auto-fit/auto-fill groups of tracks. That looks unnecessary for the feature, which is why I asked. > > I would also want more details about how this proposal handles > position:absolute items. Since all elements are laid out in the main grid, my > understanding is that if you parent subgrid has position:relative, this does > not affect you in any way; is that correct? Is there a way you could get an > absolutely positioned layer on top of your subgrid (that would be inside the > subgrid) without giving up on auto layout in the subgrid? That might be a > broader grid issue though, didn't think this through entirely. > > Abspos children of a subgrid, like grid items of a subgrid, get laid out > according to the parent grid, but with the scoped lines; they only see the > numeric lines contained in the subgrid (renumbered within the subgrid to be > 1-N again), and whatever named lines it creates/receives. This should be > implicit in the "exactly like grids, except" part. Ok, Thanks for the clarification! Because of the reordering+clamping, you can make it work by spanning them from 0 to infinity (or a better upper bound if you have some) which will map to the right space. For some reason I missed the part about the line numbers being shifted appropriately.
Received on Monday, 18 April 2016 22:15:54 UTC