Re: [CSSWG] [css-cascade] CSS Cascading and Inheritance: Updated L3 CR, FPWD L4

20.06.2015, 01:51, "fantasai" <>:
> Cascading L4 has one major open issue:
> the keyword name 'default' conflicts with a value of the 'cursor' property
> So we need a new keyword. Opinions and suggestions welcome.

`ua-default` looks most clear and natural (this is the first option that came to my mind _before_ reading the related discussion you've mentioned). There is a user agent (not necessarily a browser, so `browser-default` would be just incorrect), there are default values specific to each user agent, expanded `user-agent-default` would be too long, just `user-agent` (without the `-default` part) would probably be somewhat ambiguous/unclear (e.g. someone could expect that `user-agent` value means "put the user-agent string here").

`default-value` is acceptable too, though probably not as straightforward as `ua-default`.

Alternative options:

    * `original`, though it could probably be confused with the existing `initial` keyword;

    * `cancel`, though it could probably be confused with the existing `unset` keyword.

By the way, what about `!default` (with an exclamation mark at the beginning like in `!important` showing its special meaning)?

Received on Saturday, 20 June 2015 01:14:39 UTC