RE: [CSSWG] Minutes Telecon 2015-06-17

> - box-sizing will still be removed from level 3. If there's a
> strong use case for it, it can be added to level 4.

I'm sorry, is the plan to drop "box-sizing" entirely? A lot of websites (including Bootstrap ones) use it with the 'border-box' value. 

I thought by reading the mails that the plan was to remove "box-sizing: padding-box" only.

> box-sizing
> ----------
> Florian: I'd like to mention something about CSS 3 UI. Our "LC"
> period ends today. We have a handful of small issues open.
> There's maybe one or two we can tackle on the call. I
> don't think we can go to CR.
> Florian: During the F2F we thought we might drop the box-sizing
> and Mozilla was going to figure out if it was okay, but
> they removed it from their code base.
> fantasai: There was a resolution on the Wednesday minutes to drop.
> Florian: Okay. So we do drop it. I had a discussion with authors
> that it was nice, but not with any major use case. In
> some cases it's convenient, but it can be done without.
> If vendors agree we should remove, we stick by the
> previous resolution.
> fantasai: If there's strong demand it shows up in level 4.
> Florian: Okay.

Received on Thursday, 18 June 2015 12:37:26 UTC