Re: [css-break][css-overflow-3][css-regions][css4-ui] generalizing 'region-fragment' into a fragmentation primitive: a first step to solving multi-line ellipsis

> On 21 Jan 2015, at 00:42, Alan Stearns <> wrote:
> If it actually created an anonymous named flow out of all the paragraph 
> content, I’d expect something more like:
> p {flow-into: foo content;}
> p {flow-from: foo;}
> #id {flow-from: foo;}
> Where all of the paragraph boxes become part of the region chain as well.

You are correct. I guess I am a bit tired.

> I’m still skeptical, because this seems like a lot of freight to add to a 
> simple, useful property. I’d much rather keep the property focused on 
> whether content stops at a fragmentation break or overflows as normal.

Sure. I don't really have an interest in pursuing this part about unnamed flows. I just thought of it while thinking through the rest, and though I'd just share it, more as evidence that 'fragmentation' is a sound primitive on top of which stuff can easily be built, rather than because I was convinced that this particular extension to it would beat regions.

 - Florian

Received on Tuesday, 20 January 2015 23:52:10 UTC