Re: [selectors] Reconsider to not drop whole selector list containing an invalid selector

>We're still waiting to see the benefits of this official policy change, 
>though. I read a few days ago some stats indicating that about 7% of all 
>css declarations are now prefixed-declarations. This doesn't even count 
>the rules duplicated in @keyframes. It's
> huge and it really feels so when authoring web content.

I suspect you’ve seen it here

FWIW it’s way smaller than what I expected; I don’t think 7% is ‘huge’ 
either. There is also no trend data here, nor any indication of how 
recently that 7% was written. So I doubt any conclusions can be drawn from 
this single data point.

>Only time will tell whether vendors actually refrain from adding new 
>prefixed properties, but I'm yet to be convinced this will happen in 

All vendors used to ship prefixed features. Two of them have largely given 
up on the practice, which means new content does not need to account for 
their prefixes. So it already *is* happening.  

Received on Tuesday, 13 January 2015 17:45:28 UTC